Transition from Director to Stage Manager : Bible
Checklist(s) use R/G for lecture. What is dramatic in Stoppard's comedy about tragedy? Postmodern directing? ... pages in main STAGEMATRIX directory. drama pages -- t-blog notes
Drama: 3 Sisters + Glass Menagerie
Chekhov + Williams "French scenes" from The Glass Menagerie" 6 and 7 ("act two") for midterm. 3 Sisters Y2K * Chekhov (script portal) Godot as drama: love story -- Vladimir & Estragon (I and Me) tests 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 (second theory test before the finals) -- 4.18.08 [calendar] ... 3 Cyber sisters
Midterm scenes -- Spring 2006 directing class * (list, poster)
Archive: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf Albee
3 Sisters showcase
CALIGARI -- tragic comedy ?
Genre and Themes --2007 -- 2008
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