2009 Caligari : director's POV [analysis]



2008 -- stagematrix [theory] group 200 words Theatre UAF productions review (Director's POV)

Click on the links below to download copies of the handouts from class.
New handouts will be posted here and made available for download over the course of the term.

[ ... ] FAQ

journal (sample)

book - textbook + contents (Stagematrix webpages)

theatre directing class list

Part I. Script (web) = Part III (textbook)

To finish the textbook for midterm? (see DIRECTING group)

calendar (by weeks) posting weekly to google.com/group/directing

working with acting2 class : finals

scenes in class: Godot, R/G, Oleanna (list)

... Chekhov -- 3 Sisters + The Bear (?)

... Modern scenes for Finals.

Directing (possible) assignments :

The course is taught by a series of workshops. It investigates the rhythmic, dialogic and rhetorical structure of scenes from classic plays, with special attention to Shakespeare, while also exploring rehearsal methods used by contemporary directors. There are opportunities for selected members to present their own scenes, and to rework them under supervision. The class thus provides the foundations for a theatrical and semiological criticism of dramatic literature, and for a systematic approach to theatre direction.

Prompt book (a notebook for your final play) + Journal Notebook (extra-credit)

Directing ONLINE (archive)

Stage Directing

Scenes (will be assigned):
1. Comedy : (Taming of the Shrew, Mikado) or The Importance of Being Earnest
2. Tragedy : (Hamlet, Act V [resolution] or Oedipus
3. Drama : 3 Sisters)

Video sessions [ exams? ]

Reading: Textbook 2006: Director's Eye (John Ahart) + On Directing Film (David Mamet)

Papers, Tests

No-grade test

Terminology Quizes


Scene Breakdown

Costume plot

The Lighting Plot
Ground plan
Cue plot

The Property Plots
The director's prop list
The running prop list

Music/sound score/plot
Cue plot

The Rehearsal Schedule
4-week production

First week
First Read-Through
Line-by-line analysis



Directing directory Guide





Homework: rehearsals outside of class time
Film Directing Assignments

Please, read acting for the camera pages in advance: Actors in Film Directing, Film in BM and Camera in Method Acting -- before we have video-sessions in class! You have to have your monologues shots-broken (Actor's Text).

Much of the time the class will be divided into teams. Team members will act in each other's scenes. At other times, such as for the Midterm and Final Play, you will be responsible for securing actors from outside of the class.

• Fundamental Exercise Presentations: Each student will present an exercise for each of the five basic directorial skills (composition, picturization, movement, rhythm and pantomimic dramatization). These exercises will center around a scene from Oedipus. Students will be responsible for providing all necessary materials for the exercises. Students will have use of any furniture or scenic elements available in the rehearsal room. Anything additional will need to be procured by the student.

• Scene Books: Prior to each Scene presentation, students will be required to submit a director's book for the scene. A fuller description of the scene book will be provided. [ A fully detailed prompt book, and analysis will accompany this project. ]

Scene Critiques: Each student will be required to provide informal written critiques of their colleague's work, to be assigned by the instructor.

• Performance Reports: Over the course of the semester, you are required to see Theatre UAF productions.

+ Project "Beat Analysis"
+ Project "Prompt Book"
Project "Journal"
Project "Lighting Design"
Project "Program Design"

(due and points)

One Acts Chekhov -- Wedding (class project) Finals (sample) *

Internet Assignment : Periodically throughout the semester I will send you messages about weekly assignments, grade reports, or special announcements by e-mail. To do so I need an e-mail address for you. Your assignment is to send an e-mail message to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yahoo-cls-directing introducing yourself and which class you are in. Tell me what your major is, why you are taking this class, and what your career plans are.

To create a Yahoo account you simply use the computer to access the Yahoo (www.yahoo.com) web site and follow directions for signing up for an e-mail account. You will be asked to fill out a survey, create a unique screen name and a password.

When email -- Put the following in the Subject Line:
THR331 -- Your Last Name, First Name -- Assignment#

This (Inroduction) assignment must be completed by the end of the first week of classes.

Theory. FOUR CORNERSTONES: Oedipus * Hamlet * 3 Sisters * Godot

[ this is a master, ideal, not the actual, list for the class ]

2007 [ textbook ] http://members.tripod.com/afronord/d/test331.html