* journal in method.vtheatre.net
* journals from biomechanics
* journal -- acting one


total directing

Film Directing 06

vtheatre group

Spring 2007 -- THR331 (master)

theatre directing class list

[ director's journal -- next time ]

journal, diary, notebook

All three and more!

It should/must include:
1. Copy of play/scene
2. All blocking notes
3. Production concept
4. Rehearsal schedule
5. Journal entries

what to write about?

your thoughts...


questions ...


my production notes to SHOWS are electronic shadows of my director's jounal. prompt book ("bible") and master-file (film directing)

notes for director

homework = forum [ * ]


[ recommended ]

Stage Directors Handbook: 2nd Revised Edition (Stage Director's Handbook) (Paperback) by SDC Foundation 1559362731

http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/projects/directorsnotebook/index.html film, digital

From stage directing

From theatre

From Epic Theatre

Notes on Reading [ ... my scrapbook of images on theatre and directing (above), 2007 : Theatre * Stage Directing * Epic Theatre * Meyerhold * Acting * My Shows * I try to keep my notes for productions on the web... ]

... [ scene study ]

images, visuals and journal: